
Thought Itself

The History of Philosophy, Logic & The Mind with Eric Gerlach


March 2015

Kant’s House, A Posteriori

Ruins of Kant's House

Jean-Pug Sartre


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The Nothingness of Grounds, Ends, and the Meaningless

Children in Laos at the BlackboardI have been thinking lately, in lieu of conversations with friends, about where thinking starts and stops, the grounds and the ends, with the means in the middle. Just as Lee Braver says in his book Groundless Grounds, we do not examine the grounds from which we start as we use them, giving them a kind of nothingness underneath rather than turtles all the way down in an infinite regress.  Wittgenstein’s child at the blackboard is a perfect illustration of this point.  Children learn math as a regular practice, not as a complete and coherent set of rules.  Rules are only called in when there are misunderstandings in following the regular practice, just as road signs are employed when one does not know the way to San Jose.  If we need rules to understand things, then we need rules to understand the rules, and so on, and we have an infinite regress again, this time without turtles.

coffee cupSimilarly, the mundane and meaningless has a nothingness to it for the opposite reason. Consider the things around us that are serving no purpose, which we barely notice.  While we proceed from grounds towards ends, the mundane serves no ends, and thus it recedes as nothing important, bringing us nowhere and to nothing.  Similarly, our ends have a nothingness to them because, in spite of giving things their importance, we do not think beyond them as to where they lead. When I think about pouring myself another cup of sweet, satisfying coffee, I am not thinking about what caffeine will do to my body, and if I am thinking about what caffeine will do to my body, I am not thinking about what significance this may have for scientific studies. One has to move in thought from one to the other, shifting grounds and ends, to put each end in sight.

Zen Circle Caligraphy PaintingThus: The nothingness of grounds is our lack of seeing beneath them, the nothingness of the mundane is our lack of seeing them as leading beyond themselves to other things, and the nothingness of ends is our lack of seeing beyond them.

Thepo Rinpoche & the Hippies

thepo rinpoche and the dalai lamaI just saw a talk by a Tibetan lama, Thepo Rinpoche. I don’t know if he is indeed the 8th reincarnation of Thepo Tulku, but he says he doesn’t know if he is either. Also, when he was living in exile in India, he says that he enjoyed getting visited by hippies in the 60s and 70s as they questioned and doubted him, unlike his fellow monks who venerated his position and never questioned him.  If they had not questioned him, he may never have pushed himself to seek greater enlightenment, as how would he know that he had not already attained it otherwise?

Mark Twain Says We Are All Insane

MarkTwain“Let us consider that we are all partially insane. It will explain us to each other; it will unriddle many riddles; it will make clear and simple many things which are involved in haunting and harassing difficulties and obscurities now.”

Future Insect Philosophers

Future Insect Philosophy

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